Church On The Rock
- Katy -

A Church for your family


Belonging to God

Wednesday 7PM

Worship Night

Friday 8:00PM

Groups of Life

Friday 7PM

Youth 6th to 11th, Colleges Students, Professionals, Married, Dealing with grief, etc 


Church On The Rock - Katy a Church for your family

We are a ministry under the powerful hand of the Lord that brings many people to a personal relationship with Christ through the word of God.
-  Senior Pastor Jorge y Olivia Cardenas  -

Last Message

Revelation 19 - Christ on a White Horse
Serie: Prepared Life
"Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war".
Revelation 19:11

Bible Sunday School

Sunday 10 AM

Prayer Group

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

10:30 AM


Sunday Service

8:45 AM & 11:00 AM
8:45 AM (White Chapel)

Men belonging to God

Wednesday  7:00 PM

Prayer Group

Mon. Tue. Thu. and Fri.
10:30 AM

Groups of life

Friday  7:00 PM

Worship Night

Friday  8:00 PM

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Contact us

About Us
We are a ministry under the powerful hand of the Lord that brings many people to a personal relationship with Christ through the word of God, which provides an abundant life.
8:45 AM & 11:00 AM
(Sanctuary )
8:45 AM (White Chapel)
Contact Us

(281) 599-9777
433 Barker Cypress Rd Houston TX 77094
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